Book Review: The Cuckoo's Calling

Ok, it's been a while since I last posted about a book... life has been getting pretty busy lately so I haven't had as much time to read, but I can't deny, I've been loving snuggling down at night and reading a couple of chapters. 

The Cuckoo's Calling for me started off pretty slow. But because I'd heard many great things about it, and it was written by J.K Rowling, you have to give it a fair chance. Having said this, J.K Rowling originally published this book under a different man's name, so readers wouldn't try and compare it to Harry Potter. 

To give a brief overview of this book (without giving anything away), The Cuckoo's Calling is about a disturbed model, Lula Landry who falls to her death off of her balcony. The case is closed when police believe it was suicide, but when her brother seeks out a detective, the truth is revealed. Along the way, you meet different characters and personalities, which you love and hate. 

At times I felt a little nervous, but also gripped, I had to know what happened to Lula Landry. Although I did guess what happened towards the end (I do love playing detective), there were clever twists which hadn't even crossed my mind, which is what I loved most about it! 

Overall a great book, which you need to give a chance. I'm not usually one who picks up a 'who done it', but I definitely don't regret giving this a read. 

Heres a link to buy it if you wanna give it a go!

Any books I need to add to my never ending list? 
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