Sweet Sunday: Chocolate Tray Bake

Sorry this is a late one, I've been a rather busy bee since arriving home yesterday. But this afternoon I was entertaining a few friends, so I wanted to make something yummy for us to munch over a cuppa tea and a catch up. But with limited time I had to cheat a little.. Okay so I may have used a packet mix. Hate me? C'mon we've all done it once or twice before!!

I can't deny it, I much prefer to bake something from scratch, not only does it mean the results are all down to you and it's more of a challenge, but it means you know exactly whats in it, and can chop and change the ingredients in accordance with your diet. But it can also be time consuming... And with a Asda packet mix just chilling in the cupboard, I whipped it up. 

I'm definitely someone who 'poo-poo's' (as momma would say) packet mixes. But yanno what, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste and consistency of this cake, so I thought I'd share it with you, despite you possibly thinking 'how lazy'! 

I thought the cake mix itself was slightly heavy, so I did give it a sift, not that the instructions tells you to. But I think this really helped in making the cake lovely and light. 

The mix also includes the tray, which needs to be placed on another baking tray for support. And although I squeed at the cuteness of this (weird eh?), it isn't exactly sustainable! But a good idea if you don't have something a similar size. So great for people who aren't so into baking but want to rustle up a little treat! 

Overall, I definitely prefer to make a cake from scratch, but this is a much cheaper and quicker option! Having said that, your limited to the cakes you can make, and you can't make them healthier or adjust them if you have food intolerances. But don't worry, you won't be getting many of these 'packet mix' kinda posts!! 

I'll be starting a Brazilian diet as of July, so posts will become much healthier ;) 
Whats your thoughts on packet mixes? Totally heinous? Totally handy?
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  1. Omg this looks sooo good! But yea, you're right! I like baking from scratch better too :)

    New post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  2. So yummy

  3. This looks great and I love the idea of sifting the mix before you make the cake


  4. This looks amazing, I want to try this recipe!
