The Body Shop Vitamin E Range

I'm not entirely sure why, but I wasn't always all that interested in The Body Shop. I guess I wasn't so clued up on how great the quality is, or how beneficial their products are for your skin. As time goes on, it seems they are bringing out more and more, new products which are really affordable, whilst also being really excellent products. I can't comment so much on their makeup range, which I am hoping to get my hands on in the not to distance future, but what I can talk about is their Vitamin E range. 

I recently went into a Body Shop store in my home town, looking for a new moisturiser. After telling the sales assistant what I was looking for, she recommended many to try. I explained that I have combination skin, but my skin gets very dry and can be quite sensitive, which is when she wandered over to the shelves stocking the Vitamin E collection. The selection of products in this range was quite large, and the kind lady picked out a few options for me to try. 

One product that caught my eye was the Overnight Serum-In-Oil. I'd never used an oil before, but she highly recommended this to me, and assured me it wouldn't break me out. I took her advice and popped it into my basket. 

Out of interest, I asked about the Sink In Moisture Mask, and she advised me to apply this a couple of times a week, instead of/as well as the overnight serum-in-oil, depending on my skin, and how dry it gets. So, being the sucker that I am, this too went into my basket. 

Upon paying for my many products, the lady popped half a dozen (or more) samples into my bag, which of course, I was extremely chuffed with. Theres something about those adorable little pots... Anyone else know what I mean? Once I arrived home and was inspecting my days purchases, I realised I had been given a sample of the Vitamin E Cool BB cream. It looked slightly dark for my skin, but I decided I'd give it a chance as I really liked the look of the consistency. 

Not one of these products disappointed me, in fact, they exceeded my expectations. I have been using the serum every night before bed, and my skin hasn't broken out! My skin has been the best it has been in a long time, but I think this can be largely put down to a combination of these products and The Body Shop's Camomile Cleansing Oil! The Serum-In-Oil has left my skin feeling lovely and soft, and extremely hydrated! 

I have been using the moisture mask after my weekly face mask and then perhaps one or two other days out of the week. The texture of the mask is quite weird, its more like a gelly/cream. But when I've woken up the next morning, my skin feels and looks much more glowing. It's especially great when you may have had a few late nights having one too many glasses of wine, which I may of had a couple in the last week or so (oopsie!) 

And finally the Cool BB Cream. After using this a couple of times, I knew I had to purchase the full size. It is so hydrating, and might I add, lovely for the warmer days as it is really nice and cooling on the skin (as it says). I also found it had great coverage to say it's a BB cream and was highly impressed! 

Overall, I think that the Vitamin E range is one to definitely look out for. Although I can't comment on the whole collection, if these few products are anything to go by, they are great products to have in your stash! 

What Body Shop products have you been loving? What are your thoughts on the brand?
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  1. I am super fan of Body shop ! Thanks for your review!
    XO Luba

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    1. Thank you for stopping by Helen! :) So happy you like my blog!! I will be sure to check yours out! Love Lilly xxx

  3. These products are great!

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